How do I know which therapy is best for my difficulties?

Often clients request a specific therapy such as CBT or EMDR as they have heard it in the media or through NHS services. Clinical psychologists are usually trained in a range of therapies that can be combined to provide you with an individualised therapy that fits your needs.

Clinical psychologists use a formulation or understanding of your experiences to make sense of your difficulties.  They are interested in 'What has happened to you' rather than 'what is wrong with you.' You will be offered an initial consulatation to discuss your past and current difficulties and how they affect your life and relationships. You can also share your understanding of why you are experiencing these difficulties and what you have tried so far to help. Together we can then decide on the most appropriate therapy for your needs.

What do we offer?

At Tyneside Psychology Solutions we offer the following therapies:

1.      Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT

2.      Cognitive Analytic Therapy - CAT

3.      Compassion Focused Therapy - CFT

4.      Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing - EMDR

5.      Therapy for Highly Sensitive people - HSP

6.      Internal Family Systems - IFS

7.      Intimacy from the Inside out (IFIO) - couples IFS.

8.      Couples and relationship counselling and therapy.

For further information about each of these therapies please click the links below:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT Cognitive Analytic Therapy - CAT Compassion Focused Therapy - CFT Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing - EMDR Therapy for Highly Sensitive people - HSP Internal Family Systems
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